If you are trying to conceive, you may often hear tips from the nearest person who is claimed to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Sometimes, these tips sound absurd and unreasonable.Advice "standard" for those who want to conceive, among others, less weight, do not smoke, and avoid stress. But, there are also suggestions that even sounds weird but it has been proven through research to improve the chances of pregnancy.
Reduce sports
Sport is a good thing. But, like many other things, something that excess can be bad. Research in 2012 revealed that women with normal weight who do strenuous exercise (such as running, swimming or cycling) for 5 hours each week was more difficult to get pregnant.
"Do you exercise variation with the kind of light exercise such as yoga, Pilates, or lifting light weights. Do not forget to give time off the sport," said James Grifo, director of NYU Langone Program Fertility Center.
Great breakfast
A study in 2013 said that eating a healthy breakfast will increase the chances of pregnancy in women with irregular menstrual cycles. The breakfast is recommended that a complete nutritional and caloric little more than usual.
Variation sex
Many people are convinced that sex missionary position (man on top) would make more optimal sperm in swimming. However, the actual position of sex had no impact on the possibility of pregnancy. Experts recommend having sex every two or three days to increase the chances of getting pregnant in the fertile period. Sex every day can actually cause stress.
Sleeping in the dark
You know, the artificial light at night (eg glow of gadgets or street lights) can interfere with sleep quality and also the chances of conception.
Light at night can reduce production of the hormone melatonin. These hormones not only makes us sleepy, but also protects the egg from the effects of free radicals. "If a woman is trying to conceive, sleep 8 hours at night in the dark room," said Russell J Reiter, researchers.
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