5 Quick Ways Stop Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds or bleeding from the nose quite often experienced by children. Nosebleeds usually occur because of a minor injury, pick your nose, or blow a hole life.
Sometimes bleeding is a symptom of disease, but nosebleeds are very rarely life-threatening, especially in adults.
You should see a doctor immediately when nosebleeds if:
- Mimisang quite often (more than once a week) because this could be a symptom of high blood pressure.
- Nosebleed constantly in people who are taking blood-thinning medications.
- Blood-looking mixed with water from the nose after a blow to the head, it can indicate the condition is fractured skull.
- Fairly frequent nosebleeds and also bleeding gums and bruises that occur without an obvious cause.
How to stop a nosebleed:
1. Sit the patient. Ask him to bow their heads (not looking up) so that blood can be dried. Use disposable gloves to protect themselves and patients.
2. Click on the nose. Ask the patient to breathe through the mouth and squeeze the soft part of the nose to reduce the flow of blood. Give the container or bowl so he could dispose of his blood. Swallowing blood can cause pain. Ask him for not swallowing, inhaling, or cough, so that the blood clot begins to form not damaged.
3. Check the nose. After 10 minutes remove the pressure and check the nose. If there is still bleeding, again push the nose about 10 minutes.
4. Give an ice pack. Give the patient ice or a cold compress on the nose to reduce the flow of blood.
5. Check the nose again. Once the bleeding stops, clean the nose with a damp cloth. Ask the patient not to blow or pick your nose until 12 hours later.

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