Working Hours Organs According to Chinese medicine

All things in nature have the time and their own rules. There is time for work, there is time for a break. No exception body. According to Chinese medicine, our organs have a special time for work.

Liver or Liver
This organ is working time at 11 p.m. to 3:00. In that period, heart activity and disposal of toxic products of metabolism occurs the regeneration of liver cells.

"It is advisable at this time we have stopped all activities including watching tv. So, be said at this hour we've had to rest to sleep," said Antony Kiro, herbalist from Green Leaf Mediabetea.

Meanwhile, at 3:00 to 05:00 hours the lungs in detoxifying which is usually at that hour arising coughing or sneezing, although this does not happen to every human being, depending on the condition of the human body.

At 5:00 to 7:00 is the hour in which the large intestine organ is doing his job in removing toxins. "Make sure that when we do an activity that hour BAB (bowel movements)," said Antony who deepen their knowledge in Ikatan Naturopatis Indonesia.

Later hours are 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. gastric organ work activities in the absorption of food. Therefore, fill our stomachs with food full of nutrients and natural fibers so that we are more optimal activity throughout the day.

The next hours are 09:00 to 11:00 hours the spleen to send what is already absorbed by the stomach before. At this hour when normally we would feel sluggish and sleepy.

At 21:00 to 11:00 p.m. spleen is also working to detox and is in the process of cell regeneration spleen.

11:00 to 13:00 hours at the heart organ, and therefore at this hour are advised to reduce any strenuous physical activity and avoid excessive heat. This is caused by the thermal properties of the heart.

Small intestine
13:00 to 15:00 hours at the small intestine organ in terms of maintaining the balance of fluids in the body, especially for the distribution and regulation of liquids.

Hours are 15:00 to 17:00 hours from organ bladder, where it receives the liquid remaining organs of the small intestine to be removed from the body.

Hours are 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. working hours than the kidney. "Organ kidneys in theory Traditional Chinese Medicine has a very close relationship with the growth and development of the brain and Sum-sum spine in humans. At this hour, when used for the study would be very good at all. In small children, especially toddlers, when sleeping on the clock This will be very good at all for growth and brain development, "he said.

7:00 p.m. to 21:00 o'clock is the working hours lining of the heart (pericardium), where the clock is also advised to no longer eat foods Any and because at this hour gastric organ does not conduct its activities in food processing.

Antony explained, if the times of detox is passed, for example, because we often stay up, at the beginning it will not happen significant interference. But the impact is only visible in the long term.

"For example, at 11 o'clock at night we should have gone to bed but still works, even still enter masakanan into the body. What happens is interference with the function of the liver and disrupt the body's metabolism. This is because when the liver is removing toxins, we would enter the food and make organ careful work break down sugar for energy. There was chaos liver organ systems work, "he explained.

He added that people are prone to liver disorders are those who often stay up and consume alcohol.

"The liver plays an important role in the release of toxic metabolic waste. If disturbed body will be poisoned and disrupt the work of other organs. Remember, our bodies are not only supported by a single organ," he said.

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